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36 “Must-Know” B2B Blogging Statistics & Trends

Last updated on April 18, 2023

If you’re a B2B marketer, you know that content is king. But when it comes to creating B2B content that gets results, it’s not always easy. You have so many options for what type of content to create, how often to post it and where to amplify it.

In this post, we’ll share some of the most important B2B blogging statistics so that you know just how important your blog can be for your B2B business’s success!

Here are the latest B2B blogging statistics and trends

  1. Blogging is the third most common content marketing strategy, after video and eBooks.
  2. Businesses that blog get 55% more website visitors than businesses that don’t.
  3. A whopping 85% marketers are using AI for blog writing.
  4. 6 out of 10 digital marketers think AI content is equal or better than human writing.
  5. 2 out of 5 websites are built on WordPress.
  6. 3000+ words articles report “stronger results” than shorter articles. But only 4% blogs write 3000+ words articles.
  7. Companies that blog actively have 126% better lead growth.
  8. It takes 4 hours to write a typical B2B blog post.
  9. The average blog post length is now 1,416 words.
  10. The average blog post length has increased by 57% since 2014.
  11. 1 out of 3 blogs publish 2-6 posts per week.
  12. 76% blogs publish How To articles making it the most popular blog post format.
  13. Roundups are the least popular blog post format, but most effective in terms of results.
  14. Only 4% blogs publish 10+ images per blog post.
  15. 3 out of 5 blogs only write 2-3 draft blog titles before choosing one.
  16. Bloggers who work with editors are twice as likely to report “strong results.
  17. 90% blogs drive traffic using social media.
  18. 10% blogs drive traffic via influencers. But 2 out 5 blogs report influencer collaboration as the most effective blog promotion strategy to drive results.
  19. 80% of B2B bloggers say that they see positive business results from their blogging efforts.
  20. 7 minutes is a preferred reading time of a blog post.
  21. Most people prefer reading blogs from 7 am to 10 am.
  22. 71% blog posts on WordPress are written in English.
  23. 29% blogs check the performance of every post.
  24. Bloggers who update old posts are three times more likely to get results.
  25. Blog articles with images get 94% more views.
  26. Nearly 50% of buyers view 3-5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales rep.
  27. 70% consumers would rather learn about a B2B business from a blog than an advertisement.
  28. 71% of B2B researchers begin their research with generic Google searches.
  29. 64% of B2B marketers hire freelancers to outsource writing projects.
  30. 44% of B2B marketers have a documented content strategy.
  31. It costs 62% less to blog than to engage in traditional marketing techniques
  32. On average marketers, spend over 1/4th of their marketing budget on content marketing.
  33. 62% companies outsource their content marketing.
  34. Per dollar spent, content marketing generates ~3 times as many leads as traditional marketing.
  35. 70% consumers feel closer to a company as a result of blogging.
  36. 60% people seek out a product after reading a blog post about it.

B2B businesses of all kinds are using blogs to drive revenue, engagement, lead generation — and much more. The reason for this is quite simple: it helps them sell more of their products, create leads, and keep customers engaged. With the right strategy and content in place, you can make your blog a powerful tool to drive business growth.


Madhav Bhandari
Madhav Bhandari

Tech marketer with 10+ years in B2B driving millions in revenue. I nerd and write about productivity, B2B marketing, entrepreneurship, blogging and AI.

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